Sadness and writers block

I want to cry. It's one of those times where I can't get the thoughts in my head and heart out on the blog. Maybe I'll be able to some other time. But for now. i'm sorry. I don't even understand what's going on, let alone trying to put my feelings in words. So I promise I'll spill everything out tomorrow.
Hope you're all in the best of health and iman. and thanks so much muneera for the sweet post you wrote.

8 thoughts:

Fatou Thioune said...

oh sweety! is it normal that nearly ever1 is feelin down? i dont know what to say apart from i wish that you get better

scarletadyant said...

relax, sis...take the breath slowly...come to see the one next door (the blog of another muslim) know...if it was happened to me' I usually will visit my sisters in the orphan's home, as much as can do.

Farnnay said...

I hope you feel better.

and that kitten is SO cute but so sad looking.

Yasemin said...

It is totally understandable that you'd have writer's block, we've all been there. You are juggling school dearest Malekat, Bryans's possible walk to the light of Islam, and pleasing your parents, and pleasing Allah. SubhanAllah you have so much on your plate.

We will patiently await your return. In the mean time I hope you get to relax, sit back with some spring lemonade, and have a nice Spring Break. Love you.

Asmi's Journal said...

hey malekat! so your having a writer's block...but atleast that's leading to new improvements in your blog! lol. I like your new blog look. it has that warm comforting feel.

Asmi's Journal said...

Wow! Actually, this blue style looks much better! It has this 'mind-freeing' and fresh feel to it.

p.s.don't change it again, or I'll have to write another comment to update my previous comment. Lol, just kidding. Lol

Sacrifice4Allah said...

Awww please don't cry! I really, really hope that you are feeling better! Life is hectic! Remember the days rotate in bringing good and bad and after hardship there is ease!

InshaAllah everything will get better. I hope you have/are resting and taking a much needed break!

singamaraja said...

visiting your blogs