No need for argument.

So i've been pretty disgusted with the "anonymous" sunni/shia haterz comments on some blogs. I really hate how some of these commenters are really judgmental about things that are really wrong. I hate how they're sometimes like "sunnis are better because... and shias are backwards stupid people" or "shias are better because... sunnis are backwards stupid people". And although i do believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I still think that when you're making a comment, you should atleast be able to provide CORRECT information and in a civil manner. Because seriously, if you want to know about the life choices of others, then ask THEM, otherwise you really don't wanna know.

And anyways about the whole sunni-shia rant, I think that there really is no need for it. I mean people who think that sunnis& shias don't need to "be together" or shouldn't "be civil" with eachother, need to come join our family sometime.

My mom is sunni, and my dad is shia, and they fell in love and have been successfully married for 19 years and there has been not ONE day where the topic of sunis or shias came up between them. I mean seriously, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what "part" of islam you are, it's the fact that you're muslims alone that counts.

*btw: inshallah i'll be leaving for europe tomorrow. I'll be back blogging when we arrive there safely inshallah. :D
and of course i will be taking many pictures and posting them :D

25 thoughts:

<3 Seedi-Sami<3 said...

have a safe journey sister :D xx

nd tru abwt the shia-sunni obsession. at the end ov the day wer all muslims and the onli person we hve to answer to is ourselves and allah.... we goto stop pointing fingers and concntrate on improving ourselves first.. xx

Unknown said...

You totally got that right, sis. If you want to touch the topic of Sunni and Shia, be a man and post it on your own blog in a civil way. The type of muslim that you are doesn't matter as long as you're not doing shirk against Allah.

ellen557 said...

<3 Wonderful post.
I hope you have a safe trip!

xoxo, nadia said...

That's right. Civil debates or polite discussions would bring greater benefit than spouting hateful words.

Seriously, we make a fool of ourselves by doing that. Everyone else just loses respect for Muslims when some of us act that way.

Mmmm post many pictures ya hear? Make me jealous LOL

Sacrifice4Allah said...

Have a safe journey!!!

♫T♪ said...

sadly i know a lot of people who will SAY they dont have a problem with Sunni-Shia relationships etc but then would back out of one themselves purely on that reason.
(i'm not saying that about you love, i'm just saying, it happens!! despite all the 'open minded' muslims we have nowadays)

so i completely agree - it doesnt matter what 'part' of Islam you are - as long as you're Muslim.
But then people start arguing about who does or doesnt qualify being a Muslim. *sigh* Allahu Alim.
What a sorry state we've made of ourselves eh?

I'm commenting a bit late on this, so Inshallah you are having/had an amazing and safe trip =]

daisy sunshine said...

two thumbs up for this article, yeah its right :) have a nice trip, cant wait to see your photos hunting, ciao

Nevin said...

yup you are totally right! I am so against the whole, "oh they'r shia.." or, "ohh they're sunni hmm". Who cares?! We're all muslims! Its against our religion to hate anyway! Nice post sis :) AND HOPE YOU HAVE A SAFE TRIP! and hope you have a wonderful time inshallah! Take care!

p.s. thank u for the comments on YouTube!! :D i hvnt been online for days, so sorry i hvnt replied!

Umm Omar said...

Have a safe trip, insha'Allah.

I agree with you, sister! We should leave the judging to Allah.

^L^ said...

have a safe trip inshallah
Welcome to europe:D

^L^ said...

have a safe trip inshallah
Welcome to europe:D

and ye, good post:D totally agree with you

Anonymous said...

Asalaamu alykum,

I love your blog. The colours you use are beautiful mashallah. Looking forward to hearing more, take care xxx

CooL MuslimaH said...


Your blog has a very pretty layout mashAllah..

~Cool Muslimah~

Arabzy said...

you've been tagged.

^.^ Enjoy



Lydia said...

This is a very inspiring post! The story of your parents is absolutely wonderful.
Travel safely and happily. I can't wait to see your photos!

Anthrogeek10 said...

Mash' the Quranic recitation on your blog.


Nur Mawaddah Mohd Shah said...

ok, we will be waiting for you and yeayyy!!! pics..:) hehe

Sunni Hijabi said...

Asalaam wa alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I love your post. I am Sunni, but I don't see any need to disrespect a Shia! Totally uness! I LOVE to debate, but I have adaab! Have a safe trip sis! Enjoy!

Lavender Pelangi said...

everything is beautiful if because of Allah

Lisa said...

Waalaikumussalam. Assalamualaikum, may you have a pleasant trip. InsyaaAllah we'll meet again.

xoxo, nadia said...

Assalam alaykum

Where have you been?? Are you enjoying your holiday or are u back home?

You've been tagged to do smtg, head over to my blog for details.

Anyways, looking forward to hear from you soon

Sweet Escape said...

Wanted to let you know my new blog is

Lydia said...

I came by to see if you have posted photos of your trip yet. Soon, I hope! May you travel happily and safely.

LK said...

It would be awesome if everyone could just get along. But all religions seem to have this problem within each other. So sad. I say learn about both because both are equally important.

I love the photo btw.

zainab said...

hey my parents are just like yours!