Books to read by Umm Zakiyyah

Ok, You have GOT to read these books about Umm Zakiyyah. The books pictured are in order because they're all part of a series, except for "Realities of Submission", which is a book by itself...Anyways I've already read them and they are absolutley AMAZING in everyway (and yes they are muslim)...You can order at a local bookstore,,

To read the summary for the book "If I should speak" click here.

To read the summary for the book "A Voice" click here.

To read the summary of the book "Footsteps"click here.

To read the summary of the book "Realities of Submission" click here

So please get out and get your copies today!!! I finished reading them and my mom is reading them now too....They really are great!!

2 thoughts:

Jamilah said...

Looks cool... I wish they were a teenie bit cheaper :)

Malekat_el7oriya said...

ya they are a bit on the expensive side...i don't know but I'm sure if you look around there might be used ones or ones that are a it cheaper...because I found the first book without knowing what it was at a nearby islamic store and they weren't expensive at all :)